The Future of GodSpeaks

The vision that drives our business is a collection of evolving objectives that we measure and hold ourselves accountable to. They are aligned by our mission and held in check by our values.

The Future of GodSpeaks
Photo by Matthew Ansley / Unsplash

What are we shooting for? What is our vision? What can we imagine?

Nate and I are natural visionaries. We love building products because we love imagining how people's lives change when we make something that equips them to do what is in their heart. When we see the future of GodSpeaks, we imagine a future where people -

  • more consistently connect to the Lord
  • more confidently hear His voice
  • have a treasure trove of powerful and transformative encounters
  • live a lifestyle of remembering who God is and what He has done

Those sentences are so cool to say...

But they are impractical for building a business.

I am not saying they can't be done! They absolutely can be and, God willing, we will be part of it. But they are not easy to measure, and therefore not quite what we are looking for in terms of 'vision.' If you haven't already, take a look at what we mean in "GodSpeaks On Mission."

The vision that drives our business is a collection of short, medium, and long-term objectives that we can measure and hold ourselves accountable to. They are aligned by our mission and held in check by our core values.

Would you like some examples?

Of course you would, that's why you're here!

Short Term Vision

Our short-term visions are typically things we can do in the next couple quarters and they don't end when we achieve them. After these are completed, we will replace them with new objectives, typically focused on product development. At this moment that includes things like -

  • Completing the Market Ready version of GodSpeaks.
  • Launching our website and the first digital devotional.
  • Developing a payment structure we believe in and the accompanying premium features.

Medium Term Vision

Our medium term vision has to do with hitting benchmarks to help guide our future 'short-term' visions. Another way of saying it is that we use our medium-term vision, which is focused on growth, to balance our short-term vision, which is typically focused on product development. For example:

  • 500 app downloads
  • Develop baseline product metrics
  • 50+ customer interviews

Long Term Vision

Our long term vision are things we know we want to keep in mind and build toward, but aren't quite ready to be prioritized yet. They eventually lead to short-term projects (when they are product related), or medium term projects (when they are growth involved). A couple examples are -

  • In 2024 we will launch a physical product that aligns to our mission.
  • In 2025 we will have a GodSpeaks user in all 50 states and over 20 countries.

Understanding Invitation

While all that vision stuff is really important, we know that the Lord's invitation will always be our highest priority. There are seasons where the Lord invites us to steward what we understand and build with excellence. But there are also seasons where He invites to go with Him somewhere we can't see clearly from where we are. Our conviction is to do our work with excellence, make ourselves available to the Lord's invitations, and be discerning about all other distractions.

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Jamie Larson